Our flight to Guam was scheduled for 10 PM. Flying time to Guam from Taipei was approx. 3.50 hrs. In addition, Guam time zone is 2 hours ahead of Taipei time. So that meant trying to make ourselves comfortable and getting as much rest as we could on the overnight flight as we'd be arriving on Guam at 4 AM local time with a full day of planned fun ahead of us.
Unfortunately for me, the now less-frequent-traveler, the flight was less than enjoyable as I fought a newly-developed fear of flying and sleepiness. It was when our plane finally landed that I was able to relax a bit.
Me, looking excitedly on a bus on our way to the Taipei airport.
At the departure gate inside the Taipei airport.
Top: Express from years ago
Skirt: local boutique
Gentleman Hat: local boutique
Pink Tote: local boutique
Arriving at Guam airport.
Arriving at Guam airport, we met up with our tour guide and he immediately brought us to our hotel, the Hilton, and checked us in early. Our beautiful 6th-floor suite comes complete with a balcony with a fantastic view of the Tumon Bay. The balcony in my view would have been one of the two best Guam destinations during our stay. The other being the sandy beach of Tuman Bay just steps from the Hilton.
After catching up on some sleep and a light lunch at the lobby cafe, we joined our guide for a city monuments sight-seeing tour.
The afternoon guided tour was a quick and short intro to some of the well-known, must-see city monuments on Guam. I've already forgotten the exact order in which we visited these tourist spots, probably due to lack of sleep and the extreme heat.
Statue of Liberty
Fort Santa Agueda
Governor's Palace
Dulce Nombre de Maria Cathedral
Two Lovers Point
Our last stop for the day is the Micronesia Mall. It's said to be the largest American style mall on Guam. In my opinion, It's really a small-medium sized mall compared to many others on the mainland. It does not house as many US brand name apparel chains as I would have liked. It's missing quite a number of the usual mall staples such as AE, Gap, BR, Express, Victoria's, J Crew, etc. Here's the website for Micronesia Mall with a link to their store directory. I did notice that Guam does offer quite a selection of swimsuits. I ended up not getting anything from Micronesa except for some vitamins for my dad from the Vitamin World. But we had dinner at Denny's Restaurant inside the Mall. Ooh how I miss eating at Denny's!
Swimsuits, bikinis rack at the Macy's inside the Micronesia mall.
Meatloaf w/ gravy for hubby. Baked fish for me.
Read about Guam: Day Three & Day Four
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