Tuesday, November 30, 2010
What I'm Wearing - Sweater Dress Comfy
- What I'm Wearing -
Red Sweater Dress - Lauren Ralph Lauren
Black Leggings - Old Navy
Black Flats - Payless
Brown Belt - Maurices
Red Ribbon for Headband - Secondhand
We have a friend coming over today. So I have a day full of talking, laughter, sewing, and a tea party ahead. I want to wear something comfy, yet stylish. I think this outfit fits the bill. For when I want to be comfy I don't want to be sloppy comfy, or look like I'm in pj's. Also, I'm so excited that it is cool enough for me to wear my sweater dress again. If you are looking for more ways to wear a sweater dress, look at this post I did in January.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Sunday, November 28, 2010
New Stuff in the Shop
1. "Molly" hair clip ($5) {2 pairs} 2. "Lucy" - earrings ($8) {2 pairs}
3. "Emma Rose" reversible hobo-tote bag ($20)
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Gabrielle's New Blog + Haul Video
Hello everyone!
I'm so excited to announce that Gabrielle has started her own blog. It is called, Gabrielle's Atelier and she even has her own etsy shop! :) Be sure to go over and visit her lovely new blog and follow her!

Also, I recored a Black Friday haul video today. I know the lighting is awful and I'll try to do better next time.
I'm so excited to announce that Gabrielle has started her own blog. It is called, Gabrielle's Atelier and she even has her own etsy shop! :) Be sure to go over and visit her lovely new blog and follow her!
Also, I recored a Black Friday haul video today. I know the lighting is awful and I'll try to do better next time.
Friday, November 26, 2010
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!!
"Come, let us sing to the Lord!
Let us shout joyfully to the Rock of our salvation.
Let us come to him with thanksgiving.
Let us sing psalms of praise to him.
For the Lord is a great God,
a great King above all gods.
He holds in his hands the depths of the earth
and the mightiest mountains.
The sea belongs to him, for he made it.
His hands formed the dry land, too.
Let us shout joyfully to the Rock of our salvation.
Let us come to him with thanksgiving.
Let us sing psalms of praise to him.
For the Lord is a great God,
a great King above all gods.
He holds in his hands the depths of the earth
and the mightiest mountains.
The sea belongs to him, for he made it.
His hands formed the dry land, too.
Come, let us worship and bow down.
Let us kneel before the Lord our maker,
for he is our God.
We are the people he watches over,
the flock under his care...." (Psalm 95: 1-7)
Let us kneel before the Lord our maker,
for he is our God.
We are the people he watches over,
the flock under his care...." (Psalm 95: 1-7)
Have a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving, everyone!!!
~Ashley & Gabrielle
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
A Day of Thanksgiving
Here is a fun vintage movie I found on Thanksgiving. Enjoy!
Monday, November 22, 2010
My sister, Hanne-col tagged me. Thank you, sis!
First off the rules:
1. Answer the seven questions. 2. Come up with your own seven questions. 3. Tag seven people.
1. If you could choose one fictional character (book or movie) to sit down and chat with, who would it be?
What a hard question. Maybe Sherlock Holmes, as I love mysteries and trying to think like Holmes to solve things. =) I would just love to ask him questions!
2. What is your favorite music group or singer?
I'm more of a soundtrack girl. =) I do like Heather McCready, Charlie Zahm, Roy Rogers, and Deanna Durbin. And for Christmas music, as Christmas is coming up, Amy Grant, Faith Hill, and Josh Groban.
3. What is your favorite meal/dish/food?
I love chicken, mashed potatoes, and corn/ or green beans for dinner. Yum.
4. What's your favorite pair of shoes?
Either my black pumps, or cowgirl boots.
5. What's your favorite hymn?
This is My Father's World
6. Milk chocolate or white chocolate or dark chocolate? Which is your favorite?
Milk Chocolate!!! I use to like white chocolate best, but now I can't stand it! I also didn't use to like dark chocolate, but now I love the stuff!! =D
7. Did you ever love to play with paper dolls? If so, is there a certain time period (not when they were made but what time period their, oh well portraying or something on that line) that dominates your collection?
Yes, I have played with paper dolls! My collection is made up of mostly American Civil War (War Between the States) paper dolls and the American Girl paper dolls. Did any of you have the American Girl paper doll computer program? I had it growing up and would design tons of clothing for my paper dolls. :)
My seven questions:
1. What did you want to be growing up?
2. What is your favorite color?
3. What was/is your favorite subject in School?
4. What is your favorite Christmas song/ album?
5. If you could live in any era for week, what era would it be?
6. What countries have you been too? And what is your dream countries to visit?
7. What was your favorite toy growing up?
I tag:
Everyone who reads this blog. :) You can answer in the comments, or post it on your blog. If you do it on your blog, please share the link with me. As I would LOVE to read your answers! =D
First off the rules:
1. Answer the seven questions. 2. Come up with your own seven questions. 3. Tag seven people.
1. If you could choose one fictional character (book or movie) to sit down and chat with, who would it be?
What a hard question. Maybe Sherlock Holmes, as I love mysteries and trying to think like Holmes to solve things. =) I would just love to ask him questions!
2. What is your favorite music group or singer?
I'm more of a soundtrack girl. =) I do like Heather McCready, Charlie Zahm, Roy Rogers, and Deanna Durbin. And for Christmas music, as Christmas is coming up, Amy Grant, Faith Hill, and Josh Groban.
3. What is your favorite meal/dish/food?
I love chicken, mashed potatoes, and corn/ or green beans for dinner. Yum.
4. What's your favorite pair of shoes?
Either my black pumps, or cowgirl boots.
5. What's your favorite hymn?
This is My Father's World
6. Milk chocolate or white chocolate or dark chocolate? Which is your favorite?
Milk Chocolate!!! I use to like white chocolate best, but now I can't stand it! I also didn't use to like dark chocolate, but now I love the stuff!! =D
7. Did you ever love to play with paper dolls? If so, is there a certain time period (not when they were made but what time period their, oh well portraying or something on that line) that dominates your collection?
Yes, I have played with paper dolls! My collection is made up of mostly American Civil War (War Between the States) paper dolls and the American Girl paper dolls. Did any of you have the American Girl paper doll computer program? I had it growing up and would design tons of clothing for my paper dolls. :)
My seven questions:
1. What did you want to be growing up?
2. What is your favorite color?
3. What was/is your favorite subject in School?
4. What is your favorite Christmas song/ album?
5. If you could live in any era for week, what era would it be?
6. What countries have you been too? And what is your dream countries to visit?
7. What was your favorite toy growing up?
I tag:
Everyone who reads this blog. :) You can answer in the comments, or post it on your blog. If you do it on your blog, please share the link with me. As I would LOVE to read your answers! =D
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Half-Price Book Sale Findings
Well, yesterday was our library's half-price day. So of course, we went. I found even more treasures! Some of what I bought will be featured as scans on my other blog: A Girls Guide to Home Life. =)
1. Christmas Carols and Hymns (1959) Piano Songbook - I bought this for Gabrielle as I can't read a note. 2. Sabrina (1954) VHS - I can't wait to see this movie with Audrey Hepburn & Humphrey Bogart! =)
1. David Copperfield by Charles Dickens (1867) - I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the copyright on this book, 1867!!! This is the oldest book I own personally. 2. Familiar Quotations (early turn of the century 1900s) - I love looking at books filled quotes and this is one of my favorites.
1. When We Were Very Young by: A. A. Milne ( 1927) - A fun collection of poems by A. A. Milne, the author of Winnie-the-Pooh. 2. The Book of Good Manners by: Frederick H. Martens (1923) - One can never have too many etiquette books and I have several. ;-)
1. The Five Little Peppers by: Margaret Sidney (1950) - This was one of my series during my teen-years, well they still are. =) Have any of you read this wonderful series? 2. All-Of-A-Kind-Family Downtown by: Sidney Taylor (1972) - Another favorite series of mine. I think what I like about this series and the Peppers is that we are like both families. =)
1. Color Me Beautiful by: Carole Jackson (1984) - I've seen my friends talk about this book and I have wanted to learn about people's seasons - including my own. 2. Collection of Crocheting Patterns pulled from magazines and booklets (1940s - 50s) - Two file folders filled with crocheting patterns for only $1!!! What a deal! Now, I just need to learn how to read these patterns as I know how to crochet.
1. LOOK Magazine (December 26, 1944) - A fun Christmas edition. It includes a review of one of my WWII movies, Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo. And just have lots of fun pictures of the era. Some of you might recognize the magazine name from an episode of I Love Lucy.
1. Woman's Day (September & October 1954) & Every Woman's (August & October 1954) - Both magazines are filled with how-to's, recipes, fashion articles, adds, stories, and lots of fun vintage stuff!
1. Family Circle (August 1954) - Another fun vintage magazine.
I can promise you that, there won't be another book sale post for awhile. =)
1. Christmas Carols and Hymns (1959) Piano Songbook - I bought this for Gabrielle as I can't read a note. 2. Sabrina (1954) VHS - I can't wait to see this movie with Audrey Hepburn & Humphrey Bogart! =)
1. David Copperfield by Charles Dickens (1867) - I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the copyright on this book, 1867!!! This is the oldest book I own personally. 2. Familiar Quotations (early turn of the century 1900s) - I love looking at books filled quotes and this is one of my favorites.
1. When We Were Very Young by: A. A. Milne ( 1927) - A fun collection of poems by A. A. Milne, the author of Winnie-the-Pooh. 2. The Book of Good Manners by: Frederick H. Martens (1923) - One can never have too many etiquette books and I have several. ;-)
1. The Five Little Peppers by: Margaret Sidney (1950) - This was one of my series during my teen-years, well they still are. =) Have any of you read this wonderful series? 2. All-Of-A-Kind-Family Downtown by: Sidney Taylor (1972) - Another favorite series of mine. I think what I like about this series and the Peppers is that we are like both families. =)
1. Color Me Beautiful by: Carole Jackson (1984) - I've seen my friends talk about this book and I have wanted to learn about people's seasons - including my own. 2. Collection of Crocheting Patterns pulled from magazines and booklets (1940s - 50s) - Two file folders filled with crocheting patterns for only $1!!! What a deal! Now, I just need to learn how to read these patterns as I know how to crochet.
1. LOOK Magazine (December 26, 1944) - A fun Christmas edition. It includes a review of one of my WWII movies, Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo. And just have lots of fun pictures of the era. Some of you might recognize the magazine name from an episode of I Love Lucy.
1. Woman's Day (September & October 1954) & Every Woman's (August & October 1954) - Both magazines are filled with how-to's, recipes, fashion articles, adds, stories, and lots of fun vintage stuff!
1. Family Circle (August 1954) - Another fun vintage magazine.
I can promise you that, there won't be another book sale post for awhile. =)
Friday, November 19, 2010
Interview - Amanda Flynn of AmandaBeth Online
I'm so excited to announce that I was able to interview Amanda Flynn of AmandaBeth Online. She is one of the people who has inspired me since I discovered her in 2006. I've been following her blog since the first day, and her old website since 2006. We have also met twice in real life - The Reformation 500 & Mrs. Chancey's Historical Costume Trip 2009. So I was so excited when she agreed to let me interview her. Thanks, Amanda!
Ashley - First off, tell me a little bit about yourself.
Amanda - I'm the oldest child in a really big family with deep New England roots. We live in Massachusetts, which is the best place in the country, IMHO. Where else do you find all four seasons, oodles of history, one of the most fashionable cities in the country... and the ocean? I'm sorry, but you just can't beat it. :)
I am currently pursuing a (future) career in creative writing and working hard to finish my second full-length novel by the end of the year. I know that most people don't make it big in writing and publishing until they are in their 30s or 40s, so I figure that now is the time to practice and get as good as I can. ;) Writing is a passion that gives me a great sense of accomplishment, and one that it's hard to get away from. I also indulge my love of music by singing and playing fiddle in a folk band, dabbling in musical theater when I get the chance, and belting Broadway and big band tunes around the house until my mum covers her ears. ;)
Ashley - What inspired you to start your blog, AmandaBeth Online?
Amanda - I'd been reading and learning about fashion, beauty and style for a couple of years when I started up the blog, and I wanted some way to share it. Although I have never considered myself an expert, it seemed a pity to waste all of the information that I had stuffed my brain with (and I had already figured out that people get awfully tired of having you spew it at them in person ;). I also felt that there was a real need for a conservative approach to the fashion world and more girls and women should know that you could be modest while still being fashionable and looking fabulous.
Ashley - When did you get into modesty & fashion?
Amanda - Fashion has been interesting to me ever since I was little, probably due to my childhood infatuation (ok, so it has continued) with such Disney classics as The Little Mermaid and Beauty and the Beast. Oh yes, and then Anne of Green Gables had a big impact on my life. So most of my interest, probably until I was in my mid-teens, was purely historical. Then I read a boatload of fashion and style books and became interested in current trends and predictions. I've never been a slave to fashion, but I sure do enjoy seeing what they come up with! :)
I don't think that modesty was ever really talked about or stressed in my family's house until I was well into my teens. I had always dressed conservatively because that's what made me comfortable and my parents were fine about that. Then I went through a period where I had a really strong opinion on what was or was not modest and how I thought women should dress. I can see now that this was my opinion, not God's, and sprung from a heart that was full of pride and quick to pass judgment on those who didn't meet my "standards." These are things I still struggle with today but I thank God that He has freed me to be who I am meant to be in Him, and to see that the way I dress should just be a natural outpouring of His impact on my life, instead of a strict set of rules, which are prideful and not Biblically based.
I could talk about this topic for quite some time, but let's just leave it at the truth that "modesty" is first and foremost about the heart, and all the clothing in the world can't change that.
Ashley - What is your biggest fashion inspiration?
Amanda - As far as a person goes, it would have to be Audrey Hepburn. She's an icon, obviously, and was beautiful and classy inside as well as out. I think that really, all periods of fashion history are interesting and inspiring. And I just love the retro styles of the 1920s and 30s. They make me wish I had a silk evening gown, an amazing feather be-decked cloché and a fur coat. Oh yes, and someplace to wear them... lol
Ashley - How would you describe your style?
Amanda - I know that I would love to be seen as creative and eclectic, but I think my style of dressing is still very classic and often conservative. Sophisticated might be a nice way to put it, but I'd like some second opinions. ;)
Ashley - What are your some of your favorite pieces in your closet?
Amanda - I've been given a nice collection of jackets over the past year, in different colors - black, blue, denim, brown, tan, et cetera - and I love how comfy and versatile they are. They can go with pretty much anything and keep me cozy during the in-between seasons of spring and fall. Plus they are good, classic staples that you don't get bored of quickly. I also love boots for the cold weather. They are stylish, practical and comfy; and easy to find!
Ashley - What do you think about while picking out an outfit each day?
Amanda - To be honest, I have developed a tendency for jeans and comfy knits tops over the years, especially when I am at home writing or working. (And now that it's almost winter, my main goal is just to stay warm!) I do dress up for church, evening, or weekend activities, and that's when I'll usually wear a skirt and high heels (I love high heels :). I've tried all sorts of "methods" for picking outfits over the years. I usually start with one item and then build the rest of the outfit around it, whether it's shoes, a new top, or an amazing set of jewelry. I used to have certain "outfits" that were a combo of pieces that I always wore together, but now I try and mix things up so that I don't wear all of the same pieces together twice (I blame it on a short attention span). It really stretches my creativity to figure out how to wear a blouse a different way each time.
Ashley - What style blogs do you follow that are favorites?
Amanda - I love browsing Tumblr.com for style inspiration - there's so many amazing images on there! - and it's fun to see what Michelle Obama is currently wearing: http://michelleostyle.blogspot.com . I actually don't follow a whole lot of fashion blogs very steadily. It's fun to see fashion-y glimpses from people I admire, like The Girls With Glasses Show - http://thegirlswithglassesshow.blogspot.com/ - and artist Emily Martin - http://www.theblackapple.typepad.com/somegirlswander/ - but for the most part I get my fashion inspiration from varying sources, and it's always sporadic. :)
Ashley - What are your favorite movies to watch - fashion wise?

Amanda - I used to be really big into period dramas, and while I still enjoy them immensely, I do really like to see modern films with fun fashions. I absolutely loved Penelope. Her outfits were adorable (very Anthropologie) and the story was beautifully crafted. I don't consider myself an avid "chic flick" fan, but I do enjoy a fun, girly movie with nice dresses... You know, like The Princess Diaries. ;)
Oh yes, and I adore old films from the 1930s and 40s. Any of Ginger's gowns in the Astaire/Rogers flicks are exactly my cup of tea. My favorite fashion era ever.
Ashley - What are your favorite stores to shop at?
Amanda - I've been a big fan of Kohls for some time and also like Target and (I cringe at saying this :P) Walmart for their affordability. Thrift stores can also be a lot of fun when looking for unique pieces and lots of variety, and some of wonderfully stylish people I know shop them almost exclusively. Of course, there's some fun trendy stores in the mall, like Charlotte Russe and Forever 21. New York and Company and Ann Taylor have gorgeous, classy clothes, but their prices are definitely higher.
Ashley - Do you have any shopping tips?
Amanda - Know what looks good on you and which colors suit you best (Color me Beautiful is a good start). It's really helpful to have that sense in mind, so that you can skim over all of the "not for you" pieces that will be a waste of your time. (Who wants to waste hours trying on stuff that doesn't work? Not me!) At the same time, don't be afraid to try something different that you wouldn't usually imagine yourself wearing. You made be pleasantly surprised and unlock a whole new realm of possibility!
Lastly, it's better to come home with just a few great pieces than a whole trash bag full of the mediocre. You'd better be sure you're going to wear it and wear it well if you are willing to dish out money for it! If for no other reason than the recession the country is in, please stick to your budget!
Ashley - What is your advice to girls who want to dress modestly, yet fashionably?
Amanda - Don't be afraid to go to the mall! A lot of people are under the impression that normal clothing stores do not carry anything modest, but the truth is that there are a lot of conservative pieces out there, just hiding on the racks and waiting to be found. The variety of styles available now make it easier than ever before to find modest clothing that is still super-stylish. And many styles can be made modest with a bit of simple layering (which is very popular and fashionable these days). Be creative and allow yourself to think outside of the box!
Ashley - Any tips to girls who want to start their own modest fashion blogs?
Amanda - First of all, be sure that it's something you really want to do and that your heart's really in it. I think a great blog will reflect the author's passion for their subject. Be sure that you know your stuff; read, research and browse away. Unfortunately, when you're trying to find more conservative and modest fashion to share, you have to wade through a lot of garbage, and that's one of the downsides to having a limited modest fashion industry at the moment. Of course, the exciting thing is that you can be a part of building a modest alternative to the fashion world and encourage other women around the globe! It's amazing how something "small" can grow and make a difference.
Lastly, don't be afraid to re-evaluate and change the way you do things every once in a while. We've always got to check our heart attitudes, our motives and the way we do everything we do. Fortunately, when we let God be our guide, and follow him whole-heartedly... everything else falls into place. :)
Ashley - First off, tell me a little bit about yourself.
Amanda - I'm the oldest child in a really big family with deep New England roots. We live in Massachusetts, which is the best place in the country, IMHO. Where else do you find all four seasons, oodles of history, one of the most fashionable cities in the country... and the ocean? I'm sorry, but you just can't beat it. :)
I am currently pursuing a (future) career in creative writing and working hard to finish my second full-length novel by the end of the year. I know that most people don't make it big in writing and publishing until they are in their 30s or 40s, so I figure that now is the time to practice and get as good as I can. ;) Writing is a passion that gives me a great sense of accomplishment, and one that it's hard to get away from. I also indulge my love of music by singing and playing fiddle in a folk band, dabbling in musical theater when I get the chance, and belting Broadway and big band tunes around the house until my mum covers her ears. ;)
Ashley - What inspired you to start your blog, AmandaBeth Online?
Amanda - I'd been reading and learning about fashion, beauty and style for a couple of years when I started up the blog, and I wanted some way to share it. Although I have never considered myself an expert, it seemed a pity to waste all of the information that I had stuffed my brain with (and I had already figured out that people get awfully tired of having you spew it at them in person ;). I also felt that there was a real need for a conservative approach to the fashion world and more girls and women should know that you could be modest while still being fashionable and looking fabulous.
Ashley - When did you get into modesty & fashion?
Amanda - Fashion has been interesting to me ever since I was little, probably due to my childhood infatuation (ok, so it has continued) with such Disney classics as The Little Mermaid and Beauty and the Beast. Oh yes, and then Anne of Green Gables had a big impact on my life. So most of my interest, probably until I was in my mid-teens, was purely historical. Then I read a boatload of fashion and style books and became interested in current trends and predictions. I've never been a slave to fashion, but I sure do enjoy seeing what they come up with! :)
I don't think that modesty was ever really talked about or stressed in my family's house until I was well into my teens. I had always dressed conservatively because that's what made me comfortable and my parents were fine about that. Then I went through a period where I had a really strong opinion on what was or was not modest and how I thought women should dress. I can see now that this was my opinion, not God's, and sprung from a heart that was full of pride and quick to pass judgment on those who didn't meet my "standards." These are things I still struggle with today but I thank God that He has freed me to be who I am meant to be in Him, and to see that the way I dress should just be a natural outpouring of His impact on my life, instead of a strict set of rules, which are prideful and not Biblically based.
I could talk about this topic for quite some time, but let's just leave it at the truth that "modesty" is first and foremost about the heart, and all the clothing in the world can't change that.
Ashley - What is your biggest fashion inspiration?
Amanda - As far as a person goes, it would have to be Audrey Hepburn. She's an icon, obviously, and was beautiful and classy inside as well as out. I think that really, all periods of fashion history are interesting and inspiring. And I just love the retro styles of the 1920s and 30s. They make me wish I had a silk evening gown, an amazing feather be-decked cloché and a fur coat. Oh yes, and someplace to wear them... lol
Ashley - How would you describe your style?
Amanda - I know that I would love to be seen as creative and eclectic, but I think my style of dressing is still very classic and often conservative. Sophisticated might be a nice way to put it, but I'd like some second opinions. ;)
Ashley - What are your some of your favorite pieces in your closet?
Amanda - I've been given a nice collection of jackets over the past year, in different colors - black, blue, denim, brown, tan, et cetera - and I love how comfy and versatile they are. They can go with pretty much anything and keep me cozy during the in-between seasons of spring and fall. Plus they are good, classic staples that you don't get bored of quickly. I also love boots for the cold weather. They are stylish, practical and comfy; and easy to find!
Ashley - What do you think about while picking out an outfit each day?
Amanda - To be honest, I have developed a tendency for jeans and comfy knits tops over the years, especially when I am at home writing or working. (And now that it's almost winter, my main goal is just to stay warm!) I do dress up for church, evening, or weekend activities, and that's when I'll usually wear a skirt and high heels (I love high heels :). I've tried all sorts of "methods" for picking outfits over the years. I usually start with one item and then build the rest of the outfit around it, whether it's shoes, a new top, or an amazing set of jewelry. I used to have certain "outfits" that were a combo of pieces that I always wore together, but now I try and mix things up so that I don't wear all of the same pieces together twice (I blame it on a short attention span). It really stretches my creativity to figure out how to wear a blouse a different way each time.
Ashley - What style blogs do you follow that are favorites?
Amanda - I love browsing Tumblr.com for style inspiration - there's so many amazing images on there! - and it's fun to see what Michelle Obama is currently wearing: http://michelleostyle.blogspot.com . I actually don't follow a whole lot of fashion blogs very steadily. It's fun to see fashion-y glimpses from people I admire, like The Girls With Glasses Show - http://thegirlswithglassesshow.blogspot.com/ - and artist Emily Martin - http://www.theblackapple.typepad.com/somegirlswander/ - but for the most part I get my fashion inspiration from varying sources, and it's always sporadic. :)
Ashley - What are your favorite movies to watch - fashion wise?
Amanda - I used to be really big into period dramas, and while I still enjoy them immensely, I do really like to see modern films with fun fashions. I absolutely loved Penelope. Her outfits were adorable (very Anthropologie) and the story was beautifully crafted. I don't consider myself an avid "chic flick" fan, but I do enjoy a fun, girly movie with nice dresses... You know, like The Princess Diaries. ;)
Oh yes, and I adore old films from the 1930s and 40s. Any of Ginger's gowns in the Astaire/Rogers flicks are exactly my cup of tea. My favorite fashion era ever.
Ashley - What are your favorite stores to shop at?
Amanda - I've been a big fan of Kohls for some time and also like Target and (I cringe at saying this :P) Walmart for their affordability. Thrift stores can also be a lot of fun when looking for unique pieces and lots of variety, and some of wonderfully stylish people I know shop them almost exclusively. Of course, there's some fun trendy stores in the mall, like Charlotte Russe and Forever 21. New York and Company and Ann Taylor have gorgeous, classy clothes, but their prices are definitely higher.
Ashley - Do you have any shopping tips?
Amanda - Know what looks good on you and which colors suit you best (Color me Beautiful is a good start). It's really helpful to have that sense in mind, so that you can skim over all of the "not for you" pieces that will be a waste of your time. (Who wants to waste hours trying on stuff that doesn't work? Not me!) At the same time, don't be afraid to try something different that you wouldn't usually imagine yourself wearing. You made be pleasantly surprised and unlock a whole new realm of possibility!
Lastly, it's better to come home with just a few great pieces than a whole trash bag full of the mediocre. You'd better be sure you're going to wear it and wear it well if you are willing to dish out money for it! If for no other reason than the recession the country is in, please stick to your budget!

Amanda - Don't be afraid to go to the mall! A lot of people are under the impression that normal clothing stores do not carry anything modest, but the truth is that there are a lot of conservative pieces out there, just hiding on the racks and waiting to be found. The variety of styles available now make it easier than ever before to find modest clothing that is still super-stylish. And many styles can be made modest with a bit of simple layering (which is very popular and fashionable these days). Be creative and allow yourself to think outside of the box!
Ashley - Any tips to girls who want to start their own modest fashion blogs?
Amanda - First of all, be sure that it's something you really want to do and that your heart's really in it. I think a great blog will reflect the author's passion for their subject. Be sure that you know your stuff; read, research and browse away. Unfortunately, when you're trying to find more conservative and modest fashion to share, you have to wade through a lot of garbage, and that's one of the downsides to having a limited modest fashion industry at the moment. Of course, the exciting thing is that you can be a part of building a modest alternative to the fashion world and encourage other women around the globe! It's amazing how something "small" can grow and make a difference.
Lastly, don't be afraid to re-evaluate and change the way you do things every once in a while. We've always got to check our heart attitudes, our motives and the way we do everything we do. Fortunately, when we let God be our guide, and follow him whole-heartedly... everything else falls into place. :)
Thank you, once again Amanda for answering my questions! It was great getting to know you even more. Also if you have never checked out Amanda's blog, be sure to go and check it out. You won't be disappointed.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
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